The new Humanities Library of the University of Florence in piazza Brunelleschi

Firenze, First prize international competition, 2005

Alberto Breschi, Studio Ferrara associati, Edoardo Cesaro, Claudia Giannoni


The intervention involves an urban and architectural organism which is the result of a rich and complex historical stratification, whose articulation constitutes a specific resource for the project.
In the concept and the method of urban re-qualification and in the design of the city as a continuous “re-treatment of existing matter”, a possible intervention project in the area must be based on the recognition of the unitary and systemic value of the new humanities library with the new square. The use of only three materials is envisaged, two natural (light and dark stone) and one artificial (glass), capable of expressing an irrevocable contemporary character and of blending tradition and innovation, in accordance with a subtle counterpoint of material and technological values.